Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gosh I am a bad blogger

so let me apologize for being such a bad blogger, and being super busy is not acceptable!

but i must admit that most days I didn't deliberately not post because I thought i didn't have enough time, i just completely forgot all about it, but I am going to try harder and make sure that doesn't happen

since my last post a lot has happened, but not a lot of eventful stuff--just lots and lots of reading for school
but i am actually pretty caught up with the readings so far, which is really something to get excited about because from day 1 last semester i was behind on reading

--more to come (very soon) I promise

over and out,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 5: brother

so day 5 is all about siblings, so here's to Austin!

I have the unique opportunity of having a twin brother (Austin Tyler Hiott) and we have super twin powers, when you hit him I feel it (not really, but people used to always ask me that)!

Austin is probably the funniest guy I know, definitely the comedian in the family(here's a picture from Halloween 2007- i mean who thinks to be this commercial guy for Halloween?!).

I cherish how close Austin and I have grown over the years, because he's not only my brother, but he's one of my best friends. And when he decided to join the Marines and graduated from boot camp at Parris Island, I don't think I have ever been more proud of him!!
                                       (here's a picture from his graduation day)

Currently, Austin is stationed in Okinawa, Japan where he has been since August. Hopefully he gets to come home for a visit sometime soon, Love you Bosty:)

over and out,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow snow snow!!

so since I have so much time on my hands I decided to give a little update on my Christmas break, as well as continue my 30 day challenge, so here goes.

My Christmas break can really be described in one word: relaxing! My parents probably think I am such a bum, most days I didn't get out of my pjs! But I felt that given my hectic and stressful fall semester a lazy and commitment-free break was called for.

But there were a couple days that I got out of the house and actually did stuff, so I will tell you about those days.

The fun things I did:
 1) Ben and I went to do some shopping at Atlantic Station in Atlanta, and even though we weren't there long, it was great to see Atlantic station because I haven't been there in forever!

2) The Sunday before Christmas My mom, Ben, Charla (family friend, basically my second mom), baby Haley (Charla's grad daughter- Ashley's daughter) and I went to do a little shopping at the Forum where Charla runs the show:) She also got Ben and I a little carriage ride around the complex, which was really neat. I found myself waving back at the shoppers even though they weren't waving at me (they were definitely waving at the horses..seriously). Later we all came back to my house and Charla's husband Don (aka Donny) and my dad were there to watch the Falcons beat the Seahawks.
                (here is a picture of sweet Haley)
                     She is so stinking cute!!

3) The Monday after Christmas the Falcons played the Saints, and even though they lost (no big deal they won the division) it was fun to get dragged out of my house by Kelly and visit some high school friends I have not seen in a really  long time!

4) For Christmas Ben went to Florida to spend some time with his mom, but then he eventually came back and joined the Hiott family. A couple days before New Years Eve Ben and I went to Buckhead to a bar called The Peachtree Tavern because Lane & Tim Tyler were playing (a "famous" band in Auburn) on a Wednesday night when the bar has Welfare Wednesday (free beer for an hour on & off ). It was really great to see some good Auburn friends and hear Lane & Tim Tyler play.
               (here is a picture of Lane playing there)
(the person to the left in the vest and black glasses is Michael Grogan)

 5) On December 31st Ben and I went to the Atlanta airport to pick up my aunt, uncle, and 2 of my cousins (Alyssa & Jacqueline) as they spontaneously made a trip to Atlanta for the Chick-fil-a Bowl to watch Christian (the FSU quaterback) play in his final college game. After picking them up we met my dad at The OK Cafe, which is a great restaurante near downtown Atlanta. After lunch Ben and I went downtown with the Lokie's to tailgate with them and possibly get tickets to the game. We got to spend time with Christian and his family (ok so basically Chrisitan and I share the same aunt and uncle but we are not related; my dad's sister married Christian's mom's brother-- if that makes sense)and it was really eye-opening to experience the game from the families perspective, I usually go to Auburn games and just enjoy the atmosphere with my friends and just think about winning, but to get to spend the pre-game with Christian's family was a neat experience. On the way to the game Ben and I found some South Carolina fans selling two tickets for $60 in the Mezzanie section of the Georgia Dome, which was a steal!
                 (here is a picture from our seats)
(it was neat before the game started they had chick-fil-a cows parachuting from the top rafters)

    (here is a picture of all of us celebrating the FSU win)

 After the game we waited for Christian before walking back to the team hotel. It was neat we actually celebrated the New Year right outside the Dome and CNN Center in this random grassy area. After getting back to the team hotel Ben and I got a picture with  Christian before finally ending the night (thank you for taking of your Yankees hat:).

The rest of the break was spent watching lots of football and yes putting together a couple of puzzles. I also got to see two of my really good/busy friends Jen and Julie which I was really glad about!

Upon arriving back to Rock Hill on Saturday I began unpacking while watching the NFL playoff games and continued this routine on Sunday when I was alerted that school would be cancelled the next day due to inclement weather. I went to bed Sunday night and woke up to this Monday morning.

Apparently there was about 10 inches of snow, and this is the reason for a little bit of my boredom now that I just found out that we are now on our third day of class being canceled.

But I was ok with the school closing today as I spent much of last night reveling in the fact the Auburn won the BCS National Championship and how proud I am of our players/coaches/administrators/anyone related to Auburn!! It was truly an amazing way to end an unbelieveable season; the fact that the season ended with senior Wes Byrum kicking the winning field goal with senior holder Neil Caudle was just so appropriate! I could really go on forever about it, but Cam Newton is about to appear on Jay Leno, so I gotta go:)

over and out,

Day 4: My parents

So I have a pretty awesome mom and dad, honestly I couldn't ask for better ones!

                                                     How cute are they?!?

So my parents are probably the busiest people I know, no joke they are always running non-stop (especially my mom), but when I'm home they always have time to watch Two and Half Men with me (mom) or to talk about/watch sports with me (dad).

My parents have always been there for Austin and I growing up, I don't know where we would be without them! Although sometimes their rules were pretty strict growing up (i.e., my curfew), they were always understanding and trying to teach Austin and I life lessons. For example, my dad always let us know not to accept a wooden nickle; my mom always reminded us of Murphy's Law.

I know one day I will have kids (don't worry parents, no time soon) and I can only hope to be half the parents they are.

over and out,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 3: My first love

Wow I have neglected my blog, and my apologies!

So Day 3 is suppose to be about "my first love" but since this is kind of ambigous (as I obviously love a lot of things) I am going to just list some of the many things I love.

I love all of these things (in no particular order):

my family
my friends
my country
my dogs (and Casey, our cat)
my sorority
my sports teams (sports in general)
breakfast food
my kindle

well there is a little glimpse into the things I love:)

over and out,